another fail

Sometimes I drop cakes. Or cookies. Or a pan of brownies. I don’t know why it happens. I wouldn’t consider myself a “clumsy” person really. Every time I drop something I think–now why? Why? WHYYYYYYY???? Did that have to happen??? What am I supposed to learn from this???? UGH.


Well for Father’s Day I dropped my dad’s most delicious delectable scrumptious gorgeous homemade CHOCOLATE  NUTELLA TART WITH ALMONDS just as I was leaving to go to my parents’ house. (sigh)

I didn’t even get a picture of it yet before it was ruined. (heavy sigh)


seriously. i mean. i can’t even look at it.

I didn’t get a picture of mine but it looked like this, only with almonds. And prettier.

Here‘s the recipe I followed

nutella tart

This was my apology to my dad.


Be careful out there all you bakers!

UP NEXT: a pretty sweet looking cake if I do say so myself

2 thoughts on “another fail

  1. Karen Baker says:

    Hi Lena, I think you drop things because you are pregnant!!!!! Old wives tale? Maybe but I heard that when I was pregnant so many years ago! Congrats & love
    ya:) Karen


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